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Learn Ruby Queue with Examples

In Ruby Language, if we want to use a FIFO(First In First Out) Queue data structure, we can use Array as a Queue. If you want to use a queue object in a multi-threads program, then you can choose to use ruby Queue class.

Let’s learn to use them with some examples:

Use Array as a Queue

Ruby Array provides us plenty of useful methods.

If we see the last index as the head of the Queue, we can use #unshift to enqueue, #pop to dequeue, and to peek the head element, with this approach we can use #last method.

queue = # or []
queue.unshift "dog"
queue.unshift "cat"
queue.unshift "cow"

# queue is: ["cow", "cat", "dog"]

queue.last  # peek returns "dog"

queue.pop # "dog"
queue.pop # "cat"

# queue is: ["cow"]

We could see the index 0 as the head of the queue. Then we will use #push as enqueue method, #shift as dequeue method, and #first as the peek method.

queue = # or []
queue.push "dog" # or <<
queue.push "cat"
queue.push "cow"

# queue is: ["dog", "cat", "cow"]

queue.first  # peek returns "dog"

queue.shift # "dog"
queue.shift # "cat"

# queue is: ["cow"]

There are another two methods #size and #empty? used a lot for a queue. For example when we want to loop through the queue

while !queue.empty? do # or queue.size > 0
  item = queue.pop
  # do thing with item

Ruby Queue Class

Ruby Queue class is a thread-safe, blocking queue implementation. And we can use it in a multi-threaded program.

We can use #push, #enq and #<< methods to enqueue.

And use #pop, #deq and #shift methods to dequeue.

Those methods are more intuitive than methods in Array

The blocking feature is decided by non_block argument in #pop method, the default value for non_block is false, so when the queue is empty, the calling thread is suspended until data is pushed onto the queue.

If non_block is true, like queue.pop(true), the thread isn’t suspended, and ThreadError is raised.

I will create another post to demonstrate how to use Queue in a coding interview problem.

Ruby SizedQueue Class

SizedQueue is another Queue implementation in which you can specify the size capacity for the queue. If the capacity is full then the push operation will be blocked.

sized_queue =  # the maximum size is 5


sized_queue.push("d")  # This one is blocked.

#push method can accept another argument non_block, the default value is false, if non_block is true, the thread isn’t suspended, and ThreadError is raised.

Last Thing

There is one disadvantage of using Queue and SizedQueue classes, they both don’t have the #peek method to let you peek the head element of the queue.

I will show you how to implement a thread-safe Queue using Array in another Ruby Rate Limiter post.

Rails5.2用Wepacker安装和使用Materialize CSS

快速应用Starter Template的效果

Materialize CSS是一个比较新的基于Google Material Design的前端框架,界面非常简洁,而且很容易使用。



准备工作: 在app/javascript/下面创建stylesheets目录以及application.scss文件:

$ mkdir app/javascript/stylesheets
$ touch app/javascript/stylesheets/application.scss


// app/javascript/packs/application.js

import '../stylesheets/application'


# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>


yarn add materialize-css

我们可以在node_modules/materialize-css下面找到安装好的文件 下面我们要把materialize.js加入到application.js

// app/javascript/packs/application.js

import 'materialize-css/dist/js/materialize'


// app/javascript/stylesheets/application.scss

@import materialize-css/dist/css/materialize;


// app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

安装配置到这里就完成了,接下来就是找一些Materialize的实例,应用到网站上吧。 更多的细节可以参考我完成的commit: Github commit

2019 Rubyconf AU 精彩内容回顾


两天的2019年澳洲的 Ruby 技术大会顺利结束了,这次大会组织的还是很不错的,现场的秩序和投影和音效都不错,不足的地方就是由于场地选在比较老的Forum Melbourne,里面的座椅不是特别舒服。

本次大会的内容还是很丰富的,很多演讲者都是来自英国,美国。除了 Ruby 相关的技术主题,还有不少人文关怀的内容,比如 ADD(注意障碍),情绪管理和全球变暖的话题。


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Representations Count

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A Branch in Time (a story about revision histories)

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Views, from the top

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It’s Down! Simulating Incidents in Production

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Mechanically Confident

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What were they thinking?”

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更多视频请到Ruby Australia 的 Youtube 官网查看

Add a new database migration tips in Rails

When you are using MySQL, if a migration fails the DDL will not be rolled back with the transaction, potentially leaving the database in an invalid state, which could theoretically bring the whole application down.

Referencing model classes in a migration

Generally you would not need to reference model classes in a migration unless you were modifying existing data in some way, or adding new data. Sometimes we need to do this, but referencing application model classes raises some problems.

  • If a model class is referenced in one migration, then the model’s table is altered in a subsequent migration, the annotation written to the model’s file will not reflect the subsequent alteration.
  • Old migrations referencing the model might fail if the model code has evolved significantly since the time the migration was written.

To avoid these problems, you should:

  1. Avoid using Active Record models in your migrations by using SQL
  2. If you must use Active Record models, create a migration-specific class for the purpose.

Let’s look at an example where we want to strip leading and trailing whitespace from a column. A naive implementation might look something like this:

class MyMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    User.where.not(name: nil).each do |user|
      user.update name:

Using SQL

Of course, doing this in SQL is quite simple and far more efficient than using Active Record to load and modify each record individually:

class MyMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    execute <<-SQL.squish
      UPDATE users
         SET name = LTRIM(RTRIM(name))
       WHERE name IS NOT NULL

Note: that squish-ing your SQL is recommended because it makes the migration output a lot easier to read.

Using a migration-specific model class

Some data migrations can’t be easilly expressed in SQL, so let’s say we want to stick with using Active Record. In such cases, we can create a migration specific class for the purpose:

class MyMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
  class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  def change
    User.where.not(name: nil).each do |user|
      user.update name:

Here the migration will use the MyMigration::User class instead of ::User

为 VS Code定制 Rspec 的 formatter

最近我已经完全从 Sublime 转到了 VS CodeVS Code 的各种功能做的还是非常不错的. 在这里也向大家推荐。

其中我最喜欢的就是集成了 terminal,然后在做 Rails 相关的项目开发时,通过 Rspec 的插件可以快速的在集成的终端中运行测试和调试代码(pry debug)。

这样在开发的过程中就不需要离开编辑器去调试代码,极大的缩短了BDD和 TDD 的循环时间。

由于我还是喜欢把 terminal 放到下面,然后也不能给 terminal 很大的空间,当测试失败的时候,会打印出很长的 backtrace,这时候经常就需要滚动鼠标才能查看失败的信息或者异常信息. 效果如下图所示: Rspec default formatter

这时想到了,Rspec 支持自定义的formatter,这样我就可以把输出的 backtrace 简化,保留我可能感兴趣的出错文件和测试信息.看上去的效果如下。 Rspec custom formatter

详细的custom_formatter.rb代码请见: gist link

使用方法:custom_formatter.rb 下载到本地,然后配置 Rspec 插件,设置如下:

"ruby.specCommand": "spring rspec --require ~/custom_formatter.rb --format CustomFormatter"


  • 在 VS Code 的 terminal 中可以,按住 Command 键然后点击带有行号的出错文件信息,以快速的打开文件
  • VS Code的 Markdown 插件也很棒,让我也不再需要单独的 markdown 编辑器