10 Aug 2015##Conceptual Aside
Syntax Parsers
A program that reads your code and determines what it does and if it’s grammar is valid (interpreter/compiler) do extra stuff
Execution Contexts
A wrapper to help manage the code that is running
Lexical Environments
where something sits physically in the code you write (where you write something is important)
Name/Value Pairs
A name which maps to a unique value
A collection of name value pairs
The Global Environment And the Global Object
Global Object - like (window in browers) ‘this’
Outer Environment Global -> ‘Not inside a Function’
The execution context: creation and ‘hoisting’
Hoisting: Setup Memory Space for Variables and Functions
All variable in javascript are initially set to undefined And functions are sitting in memory in their entirety.
Javascript and ‘Undefined’
undefined: the variable hasn’t been set, is javascript special value.
The execution context: Code Execution
Single Threaded:
one command at a time
Synchronous Execution:
one at a time, in order
Function Invocation And The Execution Stack
invocation: running a function, using parenthesis () execution context stack
Variable Environments:
where the variables live: every execution context has its own variable environment how they relate to each other in memory
The Scope Chain:
Scope: where a variable is available in your code.
let -> block scope
Asynchronous callbacks:
Primitive Types:
primitive type: a single value 就是一个独立的值 undefined 也是一个primitive type js的number是浮点数,只有这一种数字类型 symbol是ES6中的新的类型
assignment is right to left:赋值操作的方向是从右往左
coercion: converting a value from one type to another.
- operator: coerce: number to string
Number(false) = 0 Number(undefined) = NaN Number(null) = 0
Equality ==:
“3” == 3 #true false == 0 #true
Strict Equality: === doesn’t do coerce
Boolean(undefined) #false Boolean(null) #false Boolean(“”) #false Boolean(0) #false
Default value:
name = name || “Default name”
Objects and Functions
person[‘firstname’] person.firstname
var person = new Object();
Object literal
var person = {};
Fanking Namespaces: Using Object
keep variables and functions with the same name separate
JSON.stringfy(obj) JSON.parse(“”)
Functions are objects
First Class Functions:
Everything you can do with other types you can do with functions Assign them to variables, pass them around, create them on the fly
CODE 也是function对象的一个属性 (Invocable)
A Unit of code that results in a value
By value VS by reference:
primitive value: copy the value (by value) all objects interact by reference
Objects, Functions, ‘this’
var self = this
arguments and Spread:
arguments: the parameters you pass to a function arguments.length arguments[0]
function getPerson(){
return { #如果return后面没有{,JS的语法解释器会自动加上分号,导致函数就直接返回。 firstname: ‘tony’ }; }
Immediatiely Invoked function expressions
(function(name){ retrun ‘hello’; })(); () 里面就可以放入statement,所以可以放入function的statement
Function Factories
Closures And Callbacks
callback function: A function you give to another function to be run when the other function is finished.
Call(), Apply(), Bind()
bind(obj): 返回一个copy的function,然后把function中的this赋值为obj
call(obj, ‘‘,…):会设置this为obj然后执行这个function
apply(obj, []):跟call类似,就是参数需要是array
function borrowing
function currying 使用bind可以预设参数值
Creating a copy of a function but with some preset parameters very useful in mathematical situations
Functional Programming
underscore.js -> source code # TODO
Object-Orientied Javascript and prototypal inheritance
prototype chain:
// don’t do this EVER! john.proto
Everything is an object (or a primitive)
base object : Object
function的prototype -> function Empty(){} #apply(), bind(), call()
Reflection and Extend
An object can look at itself, listing and changing its properties and methods.
function Person(){} # function constructor
A normal function that is used to construct objects.
The ‘this’ variable points a new empty object, and that object is returned form the function automatically.
Built-in function constructors
Object.create and Pure Prototypal Inheritance
Code that adds a feature which the engine may lack
classes in javascript a phrase that it’s just syntactic sugar
typeof, instanceof
typeof 3 #number typeof ‘hello’ #string typeof {} #object typeof [] #object #[object Array]
instanceof #检查prototype chain
typeof (function{}) #function
Strict mode
“use strict”;
function myfunc(){ “use strict”;
…. }
Open Source Education
a dollar sign isNumberic
it’s ok to return something from the function constructor (default is this) 可以在返回之前对this做一些操作,然后用return明确得返回
Convert the syntax of one programming language, to another.
Traceur: ES6 -> ES5
To read a list of features existing or coming in ES6, head here: